Gabapentin Addiction Treatment

How To Avoid Relapse For Gabapentin Addiction Treatment?

Relapse involves going back to drug use after being sober, and it is quite common among people struggling with gabapentin addiction after they have gone through rehab treatment. However, this does not mean the treatment did not serve its purpose. Relapsing on gabapentin simply indicates that you need a different or alternative approach to addiction treatment. To avoid relapse, it is essential to understand what it is, your triggers, and how to manage it effectively to ensure you stay sober.

Addiction is a chronic disease, and going back to using gabapentin after being sober is part of the illness, so it is nothing to be ashamed of, but it neither is an excuse to continue with your drug use.

Relapse prevention takes ongoing and proactive efforts to counteract the disease’s influence on the brain. Gabapentin addiction treatment can provide you with all the tools and resources to sustain your lasting journey to recovery. The following tips can help you avoid relapse during gabapentin addiction treatment.

Establish a Foundation with an Extensive Addiction Treatment Program

Gabapentin AddictionStopping the cycle of gabapentin addiction by yourself is challenging, so if you find it hard to quit gabapentin alone, just know it is not uncommon. Gabapentin addiction treatment is the best place to start if you want to become sober.

It offers you an environment to focus your efforts and energy on establishing a foundation to live a lasting life of recovery and prevent relapse. There are various addiction treatment options available based on your specific recovery needs – ranging from outpatient to inpatient programs and detox. A combination of therapy, educational classes, and group/individual therapy can help you live a sober lifestyle.

See Your Rehab Program Through to Completion

An essential part of relapse prevention is to go through your gabapentin addiction treatment program and complete it. Some people opt to leave their treatment prematurely against clinical recommendations, delaying recovery. It is always good to stay the course even if you don’t enjoy every aspect of your addiction recovery; there is something to learn and take away from the process. The effort you put into the recovery process will set the pace for your sobriety journey. The less effort you give, the fewer your chances of staying sober.

Develop an Aftercare Program and Follow Through With It

Before completing gabapentin addiction treatment, you will need to talk to your case manager or counselor to set up an aftercare plan. Aftercare involves a support plan that recovering users typically follow after addiction treatment. Keeping to your aftercare program is a great way to avoid relapse. Most aftercare programs involve counseling, outpatient programs, sober living housing, and 12-step meetings. The exact details of your aftercare program will depend on your needs.

Set Up A Support Network to Stay In Touch with After Your Addiction Treatment

Avoid Relapse For Gabapentin AddictionIt can be tempting to go back to drugs without a solid support system to hold you accountable. You will benefit from a group that you can turn to when you feel troubled and alone from the pressures of staying sober. An aftercare plan can involve group therapy as a good way to start so you can find several people within your group to spend time with outside the treatment. Exchange contacts with them so you can reach out on those days when you’re having a hard time outside therapy.

Get A Therapist for Continuous Individual Therapy

If your aftercare program does not include continuous therapy, you can get a therapist on your own. You can keep regular contact with a therapist or counselor who understands addiction treatment. Therapy offers you a safe environment to work through any challenges you’re experiencing while in recovery and anything from your past that you didn’t address during gabapentin addiction treatment. Seeing a therapist regularly after treatment can help you with relapse prevention.

Attend Recovery Support Groups

Recovery support groups such as 12-step meetings afford you access to a group of people in the same situation as you recovery-wise, so they understand all your struggles. Fortunately, there are recovery groups for different addictions, including gabapentin abuse or addiction. Certain people do not prefer 12-step programs for recovery. Such people could benefit from groups such as Refuge Recovery or SMART Recovery for relapse prevention.

Find Some New Hobbies or go back to Old Ones

After getting clean, you will realize how much time you spent trying to maintain your addiction because you spent a lot of time finding money to buy more drugs or under the influence. After eliminating drugs from the equation, you will find that you’re left with lots of free time, which is not the best thing when you are in the early stages of recovery. Use this time to rediscover old hobbies or enjoy some new ones, such as playing sports or trying out new recipes. Find different ways to occupy yourself that do not include drug use.

Stay Active

Gabapentin AddictionAnxiety and depression are very common in the initial stages of recovery, and it will take time to get used to a sober life devoid of drugs. Exercise is very helpful for releasing endorphins in the brain to regulate one’s mood and boost energy, whether it is through weightlifting, swimming, biking, yoga, jogging, or walking. Please find a way to get moving as long as it is a physical activity you enjoy.

Get Into Journaling

Journaling can be instrumental in preventing relapse. You can use a journal to track your triggers, moods, and enjoyable ways to spend your free time. A journal can help you reflect on your recovery journey and establish a plan to follow your dreams throughout the process.

Ask for Help If You Need It

Asking for help might not be easy, but it is critical for relapse prevention during recovery. This might mean reaching out to your loved ones, recovery support group, therapist, or case manager. Learning to ask for help may be hard at first, but the more you practice, the easier it gets. Asking for help on days when you need it can improve your chances of sustaining a lasting recovery.